Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Analyse any two guiding principles of the Indian Constitution provided in the Preamble. Call now for answer of all question 9312645621

Dear Student
We provide solved ASSIGNMENT (TMA) for the All Subject of NIOS Call Now 9312645621
“Freedom is the basic characteristic of a true democracy”. Support this statement. by giving any two examples.

Asses the role of Directive Principles of State Policy in promoting ‘Universalization of Education

Why should Centre should be strong enough as compared to the states in India? Justify your answer with any two suitable arguments
How does National Emergency (Articl-352) convert the federal structure of India into a unitary one?
“The policy of reservation is an instance of protective discrimination”. Do you agree with the statement? Support your answer with a suitable argument.

Suggest any four measures to protect the environment
Evaluate the role of people’s participation for good governance in India.
Justify the need to give reservation to women in the parliament by giving any four suitable arguments?
Examine the significance of Human Rights as reflected in the Constitution. (
Which organization GO/NGO is working more effectively and why?
Call Now for all the information
Phone & Whatsapp- 9312645621

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